Sardine Salad

Kath has been talking a lot about sardines on her blog, and encouraging readers to try them. Sardines are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and calcium, and they really are less ‘fishy’ than tuna. So I bought a tin of water packed sardines at the grocery store, and they sat in my cabinet for a few weeks until I gathered the courage to make this sardine salad.

I have no idea why I waited so long, the sardines were great. I think they’re best suited to a meal eaten at home as the tin might be a little messy, but there was no smell at all in my kitchen. Because they have more fat naturally, sardines don’t seem as dry as tuna either. Really, go ahead and give them a try.

1 stalk celery, diced
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 tin sardines, drained
2 t low-fat mayonnaise
1 t mustard
Dash salt, pepper, garlic powder

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl with a fork. Place on a bed of spinach and chopped cucumber, and drizzle with balsamic dressing.

5 thoughts on “Sardine Salad

  1. I did not expect to see Sardine's on your Blog! I am not sure you have quite convinced me yet..and I am surprised at the "no smell"!


  2. KC,Ooo, I love sardines. Big ones, little ones, packed in oil, tomato sauce, mustard (hold the mayo, please). But then, of course, I also love anchovies.Can you believe it, my mother actually used to cut open the tiny sardines and remove the teensy, weensy bones. Bless her soul.Reminds me, I have a tin in the pantry calling my name.


  3. I too love sardines! We'd spend Saturday's eating them on Saltines at my Great-Grandmothers house. Good for you for branching out! -Lee


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