Pop Tarts

I had bookmarked this homemade pop tart recipe from Smitten Kitchen two years ago, but never got around to making it.  If I am going to bake something sweet for breakfast, I would rather make something like a muffin or scone.  Plus, I am not that great with a rolling pin.  But then my mom saw the recipe, and she is good with a rolling pin, and we had all the ingredients on hand.  It was fate.

We followed the recipe from Smitten Kitchen very closely, but substituted 1 cup of whole wheat pastry flour for the all purpose flour.  (Sorry to report, that does not make these a ‘healthy’ breakfast!)  We made half of them with a cinnamon and sugar filling and half of them with a jam filling made from both blueberry and strawberry preserves.

Since it was a hot and humid summer morning, we had to put the dough in the freezer fairly frequently.  Every time it got too soft to work with, we tossed the dough, dough mat, and all right into the freezer for about 15 minutes, and then started again.  In other words, the next time we try this recipe will be in January!

The pastries came out of the oven lightly brown, with a tender and flaky crust.  Is it possible for a pastry crust to be too flaky?  Because these came close.  I may look for other variations of the recipe which would be a little sturdier.  Both the cinnamon and jam fillings were delicious, but someone suggested a Nutella filling which I think we have to try.  And my sister suggested we work on an icing.  While we’re not anywhere near to putting Kellogg’s out of business, this was a really fun project with a delicious end result.


pop tarts

2 thoughts on “Pop Tarts

  1. What a fun idea. I just read some where that the in new thing is “Pop Tart Ice Cream Sandwiches”. But they used store bought Pop Tarts.


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